Check the following code: % Infinity negated with vertical bar The infinity negated with vertical bar symbol in LaTeX can be obtained by the command \nvinfty provided by stix package. Output: Infinity negated with vertical bar This is incomplete infinity symbol in \LaTeX: $\tieinfty$. Check the following example: % Incomplete infinity symbol Incomplete infinity symbol (or broken infinity symbol), denoted ⧜, can be obtained in LaTeX using the command \iinfin provided by stix package. Check the following example: % Acid free symbol in LaTeX In LaTeX, acid free symbol is obtained by the command \acidfree provided by stix package.
#Infinity sign code
Check the following code: % Half infinity symbol in LaTeXĬompiling this code yields: Infinity circle in LaTeXĪcid free symbol corresponds to an infinity symbol inside a circle ♾. This symbol is generally used to represent proportional quantities. The half infinity symbol, denoted ∝, can be obtained in LaTeX using the command \propto. Using the above code and with stix package, we get the following output: Half infinity symbol in LaTeX To get the infinity symbol in LaTeX, we use the command \infty, which is the same under both packages. Two packages can be used to display an infinity symbol: amsmath and stix.

The infinity symbol refers to having no boundaries or boundless. Let us discuss each one of them one by one. This includes simple infinity symbol, half infinity, acid free symbol (infinity inside a circle), etc. This post is one of LaTeX math symbols series, which highlights different methods to include infinity symbols in our document.